About us - IG Equine
Show Jumper Isabelle George
Isabelle has been lucky enough to be trained by some World Class trainers and riders from which she has and continues to learn vast amounts from. Isabelle has competed in FEI shows all over Europe and was selected to be part of the GB Nations Cup Young Riders team in 2018. Isabelle is on the Longines World Ranking list. Please click for more information or go to igequine.co.uk
Current Horses for Sale
We have a range of horses for sale from talented youngsters to World Ranking class. Isabelle owns her horses , has joint ownership and also takes in rides. Training and competition livery is undertaken if requested. Please click for more information on our current horses or go to igequine.co.uk
Show Jumping Training
Isabelle offers show jumping training in a group, semi private or private with your own horse. We can cater to anyone's riding ability from complete novice to more experienced rider from any age over 4. It is Isabelle's aim that students are best equipped to achieve and exceed their goals. Please click for more information or go to igequine.co.uk